Lynda – Five Years Cancer Free!

Today Lynda and I are celebrating five years of her being cancer free. Five years ago today she had a malignant tumor removed from just under her left ear in the parotid salivary gland. She underwent six weeks of radiation following that.
Praise the Lord!
She took a vacation day today and we took cards and cookies to her surgeon and dental oncologist. Quite a day!


Katie (Loeffler) Fritzsche

I came across your blog from facebook and then from the reunion picture… and so on. Mrs. Crocker was my 3rd grade teacher at WCS in… let’s see… uhmmmmm 1983-1984 year. I always remember that she would say if you made honor roll by passing you a private note – I loved that!! Everyone had told me she was a “mean” teacher 🙂 but she turned out to be one of my favorites. I doubt that she remembers me… but I just wanted to say that I was happy to read this blog!


It’s always fun to hear from former students. I loved teaching 3rd grade – the kids were still eager to learn. That might be why they said I was mean, because learning came first. Third graders are beginning to understand humor and how it affects others. They’re jokes always made me laugh. How are you and what have you been up to since you got out of school.

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