Month: June 2009

Happy Father’s Day Lord

We’ve been reading through the Gospel of John in short segments at breakfast each weekday. This morning we found ourselves outside the empty tomb where Jesus tells Mary Magdalene to go tell His disciples that He was about to go to the Father. How He said that had never struck me like it did this morning – the Friday before Father’s Day. He didn’t refer to the Father as His Father alone, but as “… My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.”

We (His disciples) are His brothers & sisters in God’s Family! Selah (Think about that!) A family relationship with the Creator of the universe!
Did I say Wow?

“I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God. Joint heirs with Jesus …”

Happy Father’s Day God!
Help me to act like your son. Glorify yourself in your use of me.

Posted by gary in Devotionals, Spiritual Life, 1 comment

Awwh, – Poor Little Fly!

2020 explanation: In June 2009, President Obama interrupted a news interview on CNBC to successfully swat a fly. TMZ goaded PETA for a comment. The comment was graceful, but they sent the President a “Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher” so that he could catch and release such creatures in the future. I didn’t search to see if he ever used it. Anyway, here’s what I blogged back then.

With kudos to our President, and a laugh at PETA, I’m reminded of a poem I found years ago. (author unknown)

Don’t be discouraged, poor little fly,
You’ll be a chipmunk by and by.
Ages later, I can see, you’ll be a full grown chimpanzee.
Next, I see you with prophet’s pen,
Taking your place in the ranks of men.
And then, in the great sweet by and by
We’ll be angels – you and I.
So why should I swat you, poor little fly,
Prospective chum of my home on high?
That’s what some folks say.
Not I.

(No, I don’t believe anyone is suggesting this as a path of evolution, but the actual suggestions are not much better.)

Posted by gary in Apologetics, Scientific Creationism, 0 comments