God has given Lynda and me an exciting opportunity to watch one of His creations go
through one of His most amazing processes — metamorphosis.
Early this month, (June 3), I saw a Monarch Butterfly land in a couple of milkweed plants that have sprung up in the last couple of years in our backyard. Since I had my ever-ready phone/camera in my shirt pocket, I whipped it out and grabbed a shot or two. It flew off and I went about whatever it was that I was doing.
Two days later I happened by the milkweed and noticed a big monarch caterpillar on a leaf. Suddenly I was seeing them all over the plant. I checked the other milkweed and found that it was also filled with caterpillars. I wasn’t able to count them all, but there were at least twenty between the two plants.
We’ve been watching them
closely in the week and a half
since. As of today, (June 12)
we have 5 chrysalises already
and 2 or 3 more that are
preparing for that stage, one in the “J” formation.
Watch the trailer on this site to see just how awesome this process is:
Update, June 15
As of this morning, we now have 10 chrysalises! Three transformed from caterpillar this morning and I was able to shoot video of the last one. We’re not seeing caterpillars anymore, but we’ve seen butterflies around the plants. I wonder if there are more eggs. We’ll now be watching for butterflies coming fresh from their metamorphosis! Stay tuned!
Update, July 15
When I get more time I need to bring this up to date! We’ve had more than 11 chrysalises form and “hatch” and I literally have hundreds of photos. They include shots of all, or most of the stages. I need to post a few. It has been an awesome experience watching one of the many demonstrations of God’s handiwork!
I’ll try to get to the update soon.
Because He lives,