Month: April 2011

The Message of Scripture

What I think God is trying to tell us in Scripture

My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, (Isaiah 55:8)
but here’s what I want you to know:

  • I designed you
  • I planned you
  • I made you
  • I love you
  • I like you
  • I want you
  • I care about you
  • I bought you
  • I forgave you
  • I am with you
  • I have more for you
  • Trust me


  • I know what I am doing.
  • I can do anything.
  • I’m not trying to confuse you – that’s the devil.
  • I want you to have peace.
  • I want you to have joy.
  • My plan is from an eternal perspective.
      • It may involve pain,
        • But only enough to accomplish my purpose in you.
          • If that’s only to teach you something, the pain will end when you learn it.
          • If there is more, I’ll help you to endure it.
            • It may be to learn how to comfort someone else.
      • Please trust me.
        • That’s your only way to peace through all this.


  • If you’re having a tough time – and accepting all this is difficult for you – please understand that it is all still true and applies to you.
  • But you also need to know that I don’t accept invitations to Pity Parties.
    • That’s why such get-togethers are so lonely,
    • And they only make things worse.
Posted by gary in Bible Studies, Spiritual Life, 0 comments