Month: November 2009

Paralyzing Introspection

While we need to strive for pure motives, we must be careful that our introspection doesn’t keep us from action. It is possible to be so concerned about untainted motives, so focused on why we would do something, that we fail to respond to God’s leading or delay until an opportunity is missed. When we are prompted to action we need to proceed, being careful not to let over-analysis of our motivation hold us back. If we use the excuse that we weren’t properly motivated, we can develop a sense of sinful pride – claiming that our restraint is actually good because we didn’t proceed for the wrong reasons. Or it may simply be an excuse for laziness.

Our concern should be for the needs of others, whether we feel the right to be blessed by what we do for them or not. When we have the capability to help and we don’t, simply because we don’t think we are properly motivated, we sin. We need to stop over-analyzing and just do it.

Posted by gary in Spiritual Life, 1 comment