Month: August 2006

3-Month Check-in

Tomorrow will make three months since my last post – and five months since “retirement” from Boeing!
By now anyone who had been checking my blog with any regularity has likely given up on me.

I’ll not try to detail the entire quarter. Instead, I’ll skim over a few recent events.

Most significantly, our most recent grandson was born a week ago. This brings are grandchild count to five. Their parents are saying that will be the final count. Family and friends can contact us for a link to pictures. We’ll get to see him in person next month.
Two weeks ago Lynda and I were in Grants Pass for a family reunion on my mother’s side. It was a whirlwind trip for just the weekend. We left Thursday evening from Huntington Beach and returned 1545 miles later on Monday morning. We had a good time while we were there and I even got to sing with my brother Allen (“The Spider and the Fly”), one of our Dad & uncle used to sing with their quartet.

Here’s a quick overview of other activities over the last three months.
  • Bethany’s Web Site
    • Moved the site to another host with greater space and options
    • Updated and expanded sermons to include evening messages and provide ability to download as mp3 for playback offline.
  • Tipping Point Life Group
    • Completed study of The Da Vinci Code
    • We have good leadership from within the group. Dayle has been giving some good scriptural applications to a study of the secular Tipping Point book and will, in our next meeting, summarize and guide discussion seeking ways we can use its principles be used by God to start biblically accurate epidemics.
  • Reading
    • Stolen Identity, by Peter Jones
    • The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell
    • Unveiled At Last, by Bob Sjogren
    • Miracles, by C.S. Lewis
    • Why People Believe Wierd Things, by Michael Shermer
  • Bible Study
    • Concentration recently on the scriptures written by the Apostle John
    • Lynda and I are working our way through The Acts of the Apostles
  • Yardwork
    • We recently had a large tree in the back yard removed and a block-wall fence replacing a falling-down wooden one.
  • Web Site Technology
    • RSS – still trying to get this figured out
    • Set up two web based communications boards
  • Notes for writing, some of which I plan to post here.
    • “You Can’t Get Here From There” stressing the importance of our preunderstandings and presuppositions. If God is ruled out before the investigation it should be obvious that He won’t be found in the conclusion.
    • Some thoughts spawned by Lewis’s book Miracles.
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